ICT-assisted Project-Based Learning Plan: Sample and Discussion

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.”
--Antoine de Saint-Exupery



     The attached image above is a sample weekly home learning plan of the Department of Education. It is actually a weekly plan yet I chose to take a snapshot on a one day learning plan, particularly on Science Grade 7.

     Analyzing the DepEd's weekly home learning plan, it is composed of components such as:

  • day and time;
  • learning area;
  • learning competency;
  • learning tasks; and
  • mode of delivery.

     The learning plan is designed by the Department of Education in response to the flexible learning system where students have to answer their self-learning modules (SLM) in their respective homes. The learning plan serves as a guide in tracking lessons that are suggested to be studied/answered in a day within a week. It guides both teachers, students and parents as well. Although the learning plan does not visibly set a column for ICT tools/resources to be utilized by the students, still, it integrates the use of ICT for both teaching and learning process when learning tasks are scrutinized. 
     Just like the sample learning plan provided, its learning tasks there allow students to dig deeper on the components of a scientific investigation. To be able to do the tasks, students importantly need the presence of ICT tools/resources that will help them in understanding the topic. They may use their mobile phones to conduct further readings on the topic by navigating educational websites that provide relevant information about the topic. Aside from that, the sample learning plan also promotes the project-based learning (PBL) approach since it is one of the learning tasks that students should design their own investigation by providing the possible components or steps in a scientific investigation with a given science problem. This PBL approach integrated with ICT does harnessed every student to become problem solvers and to not limit their knowledge and understanding. Furthermore, the educational approach helps in arousing students' curiosity that encourage them to do inquiries.

Moving on, let’s talk about on How to Integrate ICT and Project-Based Learning Approach in a Learning Plan?

      learning plan is a multi-day instructional and evaluation plan that is detailed and flexible. What will be learned, how it will be learned, when will it be learned, what criteria will be used to test the learning, and how will the learning be checked should all be included in the learning plan. Teachers of today must distinguish instruction and link it to the learning outcomes.

      But the question is how do we integrate ICT and project-based learning approach in a learning plan?

   Just a review, ICT pertains to a collection of technological tools and instructional resources that are used to communicate, develop, design, disseminate as well as manage information to include computers, internet, radio, television, mobile phones and software. On the other hand, Project-Based Learning or (PBL) for short, refers to a method in teaching where students gain deeper knowledge and skills by actively exploring on real-world challenges or problems. It is an educational approach that is collaborative and is in contrast to the traditional approach in teaching. PBL is designed to teach students how to teach themselves.
     Learning competencies reflected on the K to 12 Curriculum Guide in any subject areas can be approached by PBL with integration of ICT. Since PBL promotes collaborative sharing of students' ideas on a specific problem, ICT integration is the best avenue for it where students take learning beyond the classroom; opening new channels for teaching and learning experiences through the use of ICT and other educational resources.
     To integrate ICT and project-based learning approach in a learning plan, a teacher must designed learning activities that are aligned to the desired learning competency. These learning competencies should put learners at the heart of the educative process through which students are the ones who will work on the tasks and the teacher only acts as a facilitator. Learning activities should also encourage students to dig deeper that can be done by doing researches. With this, the presence of ICT is very crucial as students will utilize ICT tools ad platforms that would help them in understanding a specific real-world problem being studied. Integrating ICT and PBL approach in a learning plan does not only foster learner-centeredness but it helps in developing the 4Cs of the 21st century skills, namely: communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity. Skills that are needed by students to be able to fully participate in our existing global community.
       PBL with ICT integration goes along with the premise of Benjamin Franklin saying,
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” It means to say that when students are actively engaged and held accountable in their own learning, rest assured that learning takes place and the learning process becomes meaningful for the learners.


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